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أبحث في مكتبة التكنولوجيا

الاثنين، 20 أبريل 2020

Quantum Chemistry كتاب كيمياء الكم

للمؤلف البروفسور JOHN P. LOWE و KIRK A. PETERSON
Appendix 1 Useful Integrals
Appendix 2 Determinants
Appendix 3 Evaluation of the Coulomb Repulsion Integral Over 1s AOs
Appendix 4 Angular Momentum Rules
Appendix 5 The Pairing Theorem
Appendix 6 H ¨uckel Molecular Orbital Energies, Coefficients, Electron Densities, and Bond Orders for Some Simple Molecules
Appendix 7 Derivation of the Hartree–Fock Equation
Appendix 8 The Virial Theorem for Atoms and Diatomic Molecules
Appendix 9 Bra-ket Notation
Appendix 10 Values of Some Useful Constants and Conversion Factors
Appendix 11 Group Theoretical Charts and Tables
Appendix 12 Hints for Solving Selected Problems
Appendix 13 Answers to Problems

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